How to spin your international experiences into career opportunities….
At Gannon University, we offer long and short term study abroad opportunities. For a semester or summer abroad, Gannon has partner universities in nine countries with affiliates worldwide. If you can’t fit a whole semester into your schedule, then GIFT (faculty-led travel) Courses are another way of traveling and earning credit within a shorter span of time. In 2016-2017 there are 15 offered courses that fulfill major/minor and LSC requirements.
Now ask yourself, “What can international travel do for me?” You’d be surprised by how much traveling can impact your personal growth by increasing maturity, self-confidence, toleration of ambiguity and creation of world view. Studying abroad gives you the opportunity to build relationships by sharing experiences with others and gaining a stronger understanding of others’ differences. One of the greatest impacts of studying abroad is on your education and career attainment. Study abroad experiences influence subsequent educational experiences, can influence decision to attend graduate school, encourage international work or volunteerism, acquired skills influence career path and ignite interest in career direction.
To use your international experience as a resume builder you want to articulate your transferable skills. Don’t just talk about your experiences overseas- talk about what you learned from them and what skills you gained from them.
When identifying your international competencies their are five major components… find out what they are and read more by visiting the GU Learning Abroad blog here.
You can also visit the Office of Learning Abroad on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.