
11 Things You Realize Going into Your Senior Year

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It feels as though just last year I was a freshman in college. I wish that I could say that I was better prepared for how quickly these few years were going to move by but in truth I wasn’t. Just like all good things, college too must come to an end. As I approach […]

Study Abroad: Living the Dream…And Finding the Dream Job!

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How to spin your international experiences into career opportunities…. At Gannon University, we offer long and short term study abroad opportunities. For a semester or summer abroad, Gannon has partner universities in nine countries with affiliates worldwide. If you can’t fit a whole semester into your schedule, then GIFT (faculty-led travel) Courses are another way […]

Wordplay in the workplace

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On Nov. 3, 2010, I published a blog here on Edge called “Wordplay: I Love My Major, Write or Wrong.” More than two years later, I’m happy to report that this statement still holds true (if you substitute “Job” for “Major,” that is). I graduated from Gannon in the spring of 2011 with a degree […]

Freshman Bio Class Lands Me a Job

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After a month of looking for a job, I am finally employed. I applied virtually everywhere. If a place had a “We’re hiring” sign, you can bet I walked in and got an application. And if a place didn’t, I probably walked in and asked for one anyway.

Kim’s Summer = Work, Intern, Beach, Repeat

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Hey Guys! I’m glad it’s summertime — I am happy to be done with classes for a few months. Junior year was definitely tough, but I learned so much in the past year and have really grown as a person and a future nurse. I had two weeks of free time before I started my […]

Nursing Internship Success at St. Vincent

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I recently found out I have been offered the internship I wrote about in my last blog! I first heard about the St. Vincent internship when I was a freshman nursing student. A lot of the older nursing students talked about applying for it, and how it was a great opportunity for the summer before senior […]

Senior Preps for Future, Outlook is ‘Merry and Bright’

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Quick fact about me: I love making lists. What’s on my current to-do list? – Graduation cap and gown – Graduation announcements – Senior Thesis Research paper – Find a job How fulfilling it is to cross items off a list. The scary part of this is that the items on my list are all final […]

College Search 101: Spring into Action

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Even though summer’s not here quite yet, it’s still time to keep pushing forward on that college search. So to help you continue smoothly into the merry month of April, we’ve got a fresh new checklist to aid you and your plan of action (with the help of our dear friends at, of course). […]