Thailand TRAVEL Trip, Days 1-8

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“We first visited Bangkok, where we were able to tour a variety of temples including the Grand Palace, Wat Po, and Wat Arun. All of the different temples had their own beautiful and intricate designs! While in Bangkok, we also visited the Asiatique market where we embarked on a dinner cruise and further explored the […]

Breathing: Anyone Can Travel

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Staying focused on your coursework is essential to being successful in college, and there’s no arguing that. However, I think it’s important to change your scenery every now and then, because staying in one place for long periods of time can become tense. I’ve seen too many people get discouraged by college because they just […]

Sand: A Fictional Short Story

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Illustrator: Christian Colton Author: Rick Chernicky Sand During his voyage South, Thomas remembered that he’d forgotten to pack an axe. He fumbled through his bags, while sweat dampened his dark, unkempt beard. The creaking of the floorboards beneath him quickly washed into the echo of laughter above his ceiling, as stomping could be heard from […]

Postmarked: Alaska

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Remember that old quote? I think it went something like, “You can never have too much of a good thing.” Well I beg to differ. Here in Alaska, they have what you call comfort food. Chicken fried steak smothered in gravy, piles of reindeer sausage (sorry Rudolf), and my personal favorite, delicious artisan pizza. By […]

Top Ten Packing Trips for Travel (from a student pro)

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(Photos courtesy of the Gannon University TRAVEL Program Facebook page – hop on over (when you’re done reading here, of course!) to see more from our student’s travels!) Gannon University is filled with countless opportunities to go abroad. Over the course of my 3 years at Gannon I have had to the opportunity to go […]

11 Things You Realize Going into Your Senior Year

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It feels as though just last year I was a freshman in college. I wish that I could say that I was better prepared for how quickly these few years were going to move by but in truth I wasn’t. Just like all good things, college too must come to an end. As I approach […]

Learn to Live a Sustainable Lifestyle

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Personally, I do my best to live a non-wasteful lifestyle. However, I am aware that I come up short sometimes and can do better. Luckily for me, there’s a dear friend of mine and student on campus who is AMAZING at living a sustainable lifestyle. Julia is part of Gannon University’s T.R.A.V.E.L. program, and is leading […]

Top 5 Things Mérida Taught Me

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Never underestimate the power of a day. Sometimes the moments you originally deem as insignificant become the moments that you shape the rest of your life. When I was placed on the waitlist for Gannon’s Physician Assistant program in 2016, I was extremely disappointed. At that point, I thought that my dream of becoming a […]

The Edge Podcast – Episode 3: Ryan Hamilton on Stress Relief Tea, Semi-Vegetarianism and Incredible Travels

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Meet Ryan Hamilton, one of the most involved students on campus! Listen to hear about his favorite college experiences, egg bombs, Disney songs, and who he would invite to hypothetical brunch! Ryan introduces me to stress relief tea, semi-vegetarianism, and other tips to maintaining health and sanity in trying times! Why do Ryan and I have […]

A Truly Transformational Experience: Detroit Edition

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This past spring break, I was lucky enough to go on an ABST. ABST stands for “Alternative Break Service Trips” that Gannon University has held for many years. These trips are meticulously planned beforehand in order to provide students with the best experiences possible in service and learning. I chose to go on an ABST […]