College Search 101: Editors Offer Advice

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May is upon us, and it’s the end of our school year here at Gannon. We decided to do things a little differently for our final College Search 101. We thought the bulleted list was nice, but that it would be even better to get some first-hand opinions from our editorial board about the most […]

College Search 101: Spring into Action

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Even though summer’s not here quite yet, it’s still time to keep pushing forward on that college search. So to help you continue smoothly into the merry month of April, we’ve got a fresh new checklist to aid you and your plan of action (with the help of our dear friends at, of course). […]

College Search 101: March Doesn’t Have to Mean Madness

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It’s the lucky month of March. It’s the time of year when the snow starts to melt and spring starts to peek its head out of the clouds. With St. Patrick’s Day just around the corner, it’s time to start thinking about the end of the school year. Well, you’re in luck because we’ve compiled […]

College Search 101: Focused in February

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There may still be snow on the ground but spring is just around the corner. With spring comes the looming end of the school year, though it is still just out of sight. While the last day of school may still be just a blip on the calendar radar, we’ve got a fresh list of […]

College Search 101: New Year, New Phase of the Journey

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Happy New Year! Can you believe it’s already 2011? Well, I hope you all enjoyed your new years celebrations and are ready to jump back into the second half of the school year. The spring semester always tends to speed by, so the first few days of the New Year present a perfect time to […]