Beehive Stimulates Economic Flow of Erie While Combating Brain Drain

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Image Drawn by: Christian Colton Entrepreneurship has long been the theme of the United States since the birth of democracy. In recent years, Erie, Pennsylvania has exemplified the hunger for an American revitalization, as the Northwest Pennsylvania Innovation Beehive Network and other start-up services have provided assistance to businesses in the Erie region. While manufacturing […]

Interning Now Helps Your Job Prospects Later

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From college to the “real-world,” there is no telling where you will go, what you will achieve and how you will do it. A lot of students, however, don’t enter the real-world known as their preferred industry workplace. According to Pew Research, 44% of college graduates in the U.S. are currently working in jobs that […]

Scheduling College Courses – Meme by Meme

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Scheduling is a joyous time of year where college students can forget about old classes and focus on moving forward in their education. This blissful time reminds us how quickly times passes, but it also tends to bring to light how much we hate modern technology. There is always the debate of whether we want […]

Habitat for Humanity Makes a Difference

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Are you interested in community service? Do you like hands-on work where you can see the difference that you’re making? If you answered yes to these questions, then Habitat for Humanity may be a great club for you to join! Background Habitat for Humanity was founded by Millard and Linda Fuller in the 1970s as […]

Other Side: Do I Really Need These Classes?

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One of the most common complaints I hear among college students regards taking core classes. The bemoaning typically goes along the lines of, “This *insert class title* is so dumb; why do I even need to take this?” Well, dear students, as someone who has taken those classes and also whined about them, I’m here […]

Top 10 of 2016

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2017 is only hours away, time to take a look at the year that was – and the top ten Edge Magazine posts of 2016! 10. Gannon Goes to Cedar Point! Gannon goes to Cedar Point!   9. Embracing Emotional Wellness at Gannon University Embracing Emotional Wellness at Gannon University   8. The Psychology of […]

A Guide to your College Road Trip

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Every once in a while the stars align and you and your friends have a free weekend and available spending money. This either means you’re going to buy excessive amounts of pizza and watch Netflix all weekend, or you’re going to take a trip somewhere. For those of you who choose the second option, we […]

4 steps to surviving the classic ‘all-nighter’

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If it hasn’t happened to you yet, just wait; avoidable by some and a bad idea for all, the all-nighter is a very real possibility for any prospective college students. What I attempt to do here is provide you with a helpful guide to making it through the non-fun version of this common late-night challenge. […]