During Thanksgiving, Christmas and now just ahead… Easter, I have noticed a shift in the way my family engages me. Could this change of attention have anything to do with being 20? Here, I have compiled a list of six signs from your family that you are an adult: Your grandmother keeps knitting baby hats. […]
So I’ve been listening to a number of songs that I felt needed to be shared. Most of them are pop songs that you have probably heard on the radio and yes, Ed Sheeran and Alessia Cara are on here more than once. But they both deserve to be celebrated. I hope you enjoy the […]
I recently turned 20; this has caused me to reflect on the past two decades. That’s crazy! I have been on this Earth for 20. Whole. Years… so I must have learned a few things, right? The following are 20 lessons, pieces of advice, etc. that I have learned & am now happy to share: Take […]
It’s tough; the person that was always there with you in school to get you through the good and bad times isn’t there anymore. I was really worried when I chose a different university than my best friend. How would I live without her to complain to for the next four years? Granted, we each […]
As a Gannon student, you are required to take six credits of philosophy which includes three credits taken as Introduction to Philosophy (LPHI 131) and three credits taken as a second course of your choice. Then, you also have the option of taking Philosophy of Ethical Responsibility (LPHI 237) or Theology of Moral Responsibility (LTHE […]