College Search 101: Focused in February

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There may still be snow on the ground but spring is just around the corner. With spring comes the looming end of the school year, though it is still just out of sight. While the last day of school may still be just a blip on the calendar radar, we’ve got a fresh list of […]

College Search 101: New Year, New Phase of the Journey

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Happy New Year! Can you believe it’s already 2011? Well, I hope you all enjoyed your new years celebrations and are ready to jump back into the second half of the school year. The spring semester always tends to speed by, so the first few days of the New Year present a perfect time to […]

Keeping a Job in School: It is Possible!

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Balancing schoolwork, extracurricular activities and a job can be quite the juggling act – but many students at Gannon are willing to take on the challenge. College is a time of making new friends, learning new things and ultimately preparing for the future. One way students experience the responsibilities of the future is by holding […]

High School Seniors: Apply to Gannon for Free!

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If you’re a senior, you’re probably feeling the pressure from parents, teachers and just about everybody you encounter. The clock is ticking on the college admissions process. But time’s not up – yet! Take a deep breath, clear those (well-intentioned) nagging voices from your head and read on to find out how Gannon can help.

Q&A: Financial Aid w/ Renee Huefner

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Renee Huefner, assistant director of the Financial Aid office, answers your financial aid questions. What is financial aid? Financial aid is really a broad term. It’s used to describe any type of funding that a student can receive to help pay for college. That includes grants, which are typically need-based; scholarships, based on merit or […]