If you’re a senior, you’re probably feeling the pressure from parents, teachers and just about everybody you encounter. The clock is ticking on the college admissions process.
But time’s not up – yet! Take a deep breath, clear those (well-intentioned) nagging voices from your head and read on to find out how Gannon can help.
January is the point in the year when seniors should be narrowing their options and start making decisions. But Julie Coppolo, enrollment adviser in Gannon’s Admissions office, said it’s not too late for those who haven’t applied.
“If you’re a senior and you haven’t applied to any colleges yet, now is the time to apply,” she said. “ It’s time to start thinking about FAFSA, financial aid and scholarships. Getting the application in is really just step one.”
So what’s Coppolo’s advice to seniors who haven’t applied yet? “Don’t freak out.”
But do take action, she says – finish your applications this month, especially since Gannon is waiving the application fee for any student who applies before Feb. 1.
“Even if you’re still weighing your options, there’s no harm in applying,” she said. “You have nothing to lose, and applying doesn’t lock you in or hurt your chances elsewhere.”
Coppolo said completing your application will give students a better view of the “big picture.” If you’re accepted, you’ll get a financial aid package, housing information and specific information that will help you make a side-by-side comparison between Gannon and your other options. And, Coppolo said, it will give you peace of mind.
“When you complete and submit an application, a weight will be lifted and you’re one step closer,” she said.
And your parents will thank you, too.
Apply online or by mail today!
Still have questions about what to do when applying to colleges? You may like our Video Q&A with Miles Vida, Gannon’s assistant director of admissions.
Get more info or check on the status of your application. Contact your enrollment advisor!