INTERVIEW: Enrollment advisors on the college search

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The second half of the school year brings a lot of anticipation for high school students. They are waiting for summer; seniors are waiting for admissions decisions from colleges and universities, and those institutes are waiting to hear confirmation of which students will be joining them in the fall. Although all the work required for […]

VIDEO Q & A: Julie Coppolo, Office of Admissions

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Decision time is looming for high school seniors, but don’t panic! Julie Coppolo, assistant director of admissions, has some calming words and practical advice for anyone in the college search process. More questions? We’ve got more answers. Check out the complete Q & A series. More advice is coming later in the week in the […]

High School Seniors: Apply to Gannon for Free!

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If you’re a senior, you’re probably feeling the pressure from parents, teachers and just about everybody you encounter. The clock is ticking on the college admissions process. But time’s not up – yet! Take a deep breath, clear those (well-intentioned) nagging voices from your head and read on to find out how Gannon can help.