How I Chose My Thesis Topic

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For most majors, you have to write a thesis (a very scholarly  and lengthy paper with a presentation about something in your field). For those of you who do not know, I am a double major in education and theater. For education, I have to do student teaching instead of thesis, but I have to […]

Working on the edge

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Walking across campus as a senior is an interesting thing. No matter where you go, it’s sure to stir up some memory somewhere. Four years is a relatively short time, but the amount of memorable moments crammed in there is daunting. Every landmark has a fuzzy overlay of some crazy thing you did. As my […]

A letter to my freshman self

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Dear college freshman me,   Hey, you, congratulations on graduating and starting college. Hard to believe where the last four years have gone, right? I know that feeling; I’m experiencing it right now. Friends are out and I’m sitting at home, being pensive and writing this letter and doing the homework that you waited until […]

The big lesson: Learning to fail

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When I stepped onto campus four years ago, I had no idea what would come of my time at Gannon. I had no idea who I would become, who I would meet, what I would do here. I was nervous and excited, but ready to start on this grand adventure. Now, I look back at […]

Moving on out

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Four score and well, four years ago, leaving home was the ultimate goal. When deciding on college, I knew I wanted to be somewhere a little farther away from home. I didn’t want to live at home; I wanted to be somewhat on my own. That’s why I chose Gannon, which is a good six […]

DON’T SAY IT! Avoiding words for senior year

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“Hey, how does it feel to be a…” DON’T SAY IT! “Are you excited that you’re going to…” I CAN’T HEAR YOU LALALALALA! These are my reactions to the innumerable questions I am receiving about my last year of college. I am refusing to let anyone drop the “S-word” or the “G-word” in my presence […]

AfterThoughts: First week back in the office

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The first week back in the office leads the staff to some interesting thoughts. Jake Slease, assignment editor: One week of my senior year down! Matt Kridel, special features editor: Everybody’s working for the weekend…and I am. Right now. Allison Kessler, assistant multimedia editor: The dancing cow in “Gypsy” makes me laugh every time. Keefer […]

Relaxing in my last semester

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With my very last semester at Gannon underway, it has finally sunk in that this is it – the end of my time here at Gannon. And to be honest I’ve come to terms with it. I’m looking forward to moving on to a brand new phase in life and setting out on an exciting […]

What I Like (and Don’t) About This Semester

2006 Views 0 Comment
It’s only the first full week of classes and I can already see that this semester is going to be a little bit crazy. Between a full credit load of nursing classes, being editor-in-chief of Edge, holding the presidency of my fraternity Zeta Beta Tau and trying to maintain some sort of social life, I’m […]

Reading, Recharging and Planning for Senior Year

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For most college students, summer vacation means packing up all of their stuff and piling it in the car for the trip back to their hometown. Since my hometown is only 20 miles away, and I have an apartment off-campus, it simply means that I no longer have to go to class. After being in […]