Thriving and Surviving Freshman Year

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It’s kind of a shock to say that I’ve almost made it through my first year of college. I have worked my butt off to make it to this point, but it’s almost done. It’s 75 degrees outside – that’s how close summer is. It’s been one amazing journey, if I do say so myself. […]

The Finals Countdown: Commuter Students Prep for Exams

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Finals week is quickly approaching here at GU, and students across campus have already begun preparing for tests. We asked a few commuter students how they prefer to prepare for their finals. Chris Sambuchin, freshman, sports management and marketing: “I think it’s more distracting to study at home because I have the TV, a car […]

10 Ways to Enjoy a Stress-Free Finals Week

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With finals week quickly approaching, we thought it was a good time to dole out some useful tips on how to stay stress free as the semester winds down. It’s wonderfully exciting to look forward to the classroom-free days of summer, but that can also make it hard to stay focused in school. Follow these […]

J-School Cool: Queen of the Kitchen Combats Stress

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Finals week is fast approaching, meaning my to do list grows while my time spent sleeping dwindles. Nevertheless, I try to make time to keep my wits about me (I am a columnist and blogger, after all) by spending time doing something I love: cooking. Perhaps the “Queen of the Kitchen” headline is misleading – […]