International Night: Decadent Food and Jaw-Dropping Talent

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Under one moon, Gannon University students and faculty, as well as Erie residents came together under Gannon University’s Hammermill center to celebrate unity with International Night. Wall to wall tables contained food from around the world with international talent to accompany. International night had my stomach filled with amazing food I had never even tried, […]

Embracing the Awkward in College (and Growing Up)

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We all have moments in our lives that define us; those moments where we are asked to make choices that make us a little bit uncomfortable. Whether it’s because of the weight of the decisions or the nature of the decisions themselves… we often do not embrace these changes completely. I know that when I was applying for […]

After semester in France, je suis à la maison!

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When I was getting ready to leave for France, one of the biggest things people would remind me of was culture shock and I didn’t really understand why. Of course France is going to be different than the United States, no big deal. However, it actually was a big deal, obviously bigger than what I […]

Friday in France, Saturday in Spain, Monday in Monaco

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Bonjour! It’s still absolutely strange to think that I’ve been living in another country for almost two months. I’ve become almost completely comfortable here in Paris, and I’m really enjoying my time in France and in some other countries. There’s so much to see and do here that there’s never really a dull moment.

The adventure begins: Sarah arrives in Paris

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Bonjour! I’ve finally made it to Paris! I’m settled in a cute little apartment in the 15th arrondissement, a quick metro ride away from most of Paris’ major landmarks and best restaurants. I’m starting to get the hang of navigating the metro and the busy streets to make it to class every day and to […]

An expedition to the Embassy for a passport to Paris

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I hope you all had a great Christmas break! I really enjoyed my time at home with my friends and family. Over break, I got to take two little trips to visit friends and finish up some last-minute details for my trip in February. While my first trip, to Cleveland, was a lot of fun, […]

Editor Embraces Change, Heads Overseas

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You become much more cognizant of time when there’s not much left.  Now that it’s November, my time left on Gannon’s campus is running out for this school year. I’ve had a lot of fun this year on campus. I’m beyond excited to go to France, but at the same time, I don’t want to […]

Friends, France and a Summer Job

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Summer is finally here for Gannon students. Though it may seem like summer came too fast as we get ready to end the year and go home, we’re all ready for a much needed break from the daily stresses that accompany schoolwork and activities. I’m especially excited to have free time without looming deadlines or commitments. […]