Fresh perspective for my sophomore year

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This is a bittersweet time of the year for me. For the last fourteen years, August has always been “the start of the year.” It’s been exciting and depressing for many reasons. I’m always excited to start school, but it always makes me sad to know that I’ll be spending less time with my friends. […]

Getting organized makes me a "Busy B."

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I’m well into my second semester of college and I’ve learned a few things – how to make healthy eating choices, share a room with another teenage girl and be more organized. All right, so maybe I’m actually still in the process of learning, but I’ve made great progress since I moved into Wehrle on […]

Testing limits in the final stretch

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As a freshman, I have recently experienced what has been the most testing time of my college life thus far, no pun intended. The final exams themselves aren’t really the most terrible part; the anticipation I have for them is much worse. These are professors you may not know very well giving you an exam […]

Freshman’s Lesson in Time Management 101

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I have always been good at filling up my free time with things to do. I was part of 17 different activities throughout high school so I’m used to being busy. I used to think I did a pretty good job managing my time. However, coming to Gannon was a whole new schedule to which […]

The Teenage Dream vs. College Reality

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Hello Again… As a girl, one of the more major aspects of my life has to deal with guys. I’m your typical, average teenage girl. There’s nothing about me that says I am above falling in love or too smart to have a crush. Some things are just inevitable and I have accepted this fact. […]

Freshman Finding Her Voice at GU

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Introducing Edge’s newest blog, “Fresh Ideas,” by Brianna Woods, Class of 2015. Brianna is a theatre and communication arts major from Indiana, Pa. Since you’re reading my blog entitled “Fresh Ideas,” you’ve probably come to Edge to gain perspective on what it is like to be a college freshman here at Gannon. Whether you’re a […]