VIDEO: GU Schuster Theatre 16-17 Season

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Meet Alaina Manchester, Visiting Professor of Theatre and Father Shawn Clerkin, Director of Theatre here at GU as they introduce the exciting 2016-2017 Schuster Theatre season! FALL 2016 FORTUNATE VICTORY, by Alex Clemente and Shawn Clerkin, directed by Shawn Clerkin. Originally produced during the Perry 200 celebrations, the Schuster Theatre has been invited by the Flagship Niagara/Niagara […]

From Teacher to Director

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This semester, I crossed two artistic achievements off my bucket list. I wrote an original play and saw it performed, and I directed my second show. While I have been fascinated with playwriting since attending theatre workshops in high school, I have always been interested in directing. I guess you can say I have been […]

Pre-Occupied: the theater nerd strikes back

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In high school, I was a self-proclaimed drama club nerd. I was cast in a variety of school productions and played a colorful assortment of characters, from a delusional pregnant girl to a singing nun. I held an e-board position in my show choir, sang solos in Chorale, and generally loved performing onstage. I figured […]

Fringe Fest Erie 2015: Week 3

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More Fringe Fest Erie 2015 coming your way this week: “Bedtime Stories” by Laugh/Riot. “Bedtime stories takes a collection of 3 short scenes from Charles Mee as its start and jumps into seven disparate scenes about relationships. Laugh/Riot’s ensemble cast will change characters each night, guaranteeing that each audience will see a completely new show. […]

RUNDOWN: Relay for Life, Mardi Gras and Oedipus Tex

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Monday, February 16: Relay for Life will be selling T-shirts at Waldron starting at 11 a.m. Be sure to pick one up to support Gannon’s Relay for Life event. Tuesday, February 17: Happy Mardi Gras! Stop by the Knight Club at 6 p.m. for free food, costumes and fun before Lent starts. Wednesday, February 18: […]

Keeping Sane

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At this point, I hesitate to call the job “director” anymore. I would be perfectly OK renaming the position of being in charge of a show “coordinator,” because that’s I do. But, according to the program, I am the director of “Oedipus Tex,” a musical based on the classic Greek drama. Fringe Fest Erie 2015 […]

The wise guys of “A Little Nonsense”

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I like to throw a theme behind my writing, especially when it comes to my blogs and features here at Edge Magazine. Lately, it’s been a theme of mental health and movies, the two things I know best. This week, that theme happens to be a newfound appreciation for theatre. I’ve lately taken a greater […]

Fringe Fest Erie 2015: Week 2

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Fringe Fest Erie has already showcased significant student talent, but there’s more coming in the second week! Two student-written productions, as well as three associate productions are on the slate for the week:  “Like Father, Like Son” By Roman Denisyuk. Directed by Roman Denisyuk and Todd Paropacic. Based on a true story that occurred in Erie, […]

Keep On Keepin’ On: To sing or not to sing

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As part of Fringe Fest Erie this year, one of the shows is the GU Talent Show. I committed to participate in it without really knowing what I wanted to showcase. I don’t have any remarkable talents, as far I know. I initially thought, I could always sing something. But so many people sing during talent […]

RUNDOWN: Wellness, Fringe Fest and six more weeks of winter

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Monday, February 2: Happy Groundhog Day! Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow, so  it’s six more weeks of winter BUT only 26 days until GU’s Spring Break! Tuesday, February 3: Interested in ways to stay healthy and fit on campus? Stop by the Wellness Fair at the Recreation and Wellness Center between 8 a.m. and midnight. Visit the seven zones of […]