Memories Move Day 2022

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It was an amazing semester with smiles, new friends, and challenges. These are some memories of Move-In Day 2022, a day full of happiness, friendship, and dreams for the future – looking forward to a new year together! #GannonFamily

11 Things You Realize Going into Your Senior Year

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It feels as though just last year I was a freshman in college. I wish that I could say that I was better prepared for how quickly these few years were going to move by but in truth I wasn’t. Just like all good things, college too must come to an end. As I approach […]

Moving on up to the top

2012 Views 0 Comment
Why are changes so hard to deal with? Just think, has there ever been a time in your life where the thought of doing something you have never done before frightened you? It could also be exciting. But why do we have all the emotion? Change happens all the time, so why do we treat […]

Wordplay in the workplace

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On Nov. 3, 2010, I published a blog here on Edge called “Wordplay: I Love My Major, Write or Wrong.” More than two years later, I’m happy to report that this statement still holds true (if you substitute “Job” for “Major,” that is). I graduated from Gannon in the spring of 2011 with a degree […]

What I did with a BA (and MA) in English

2265 Views 0 Comment
Amidst all the warnings, I became an English major. English majors aren’t real majors, they scoffed. Why are you majoring in the language you’ve spoken for 18 years? they questioned. Print media’s dead, they shouted! There’s no money in a career in writing, they whispered. Don’t go swimming for 15 minutes after eating, they purported. […]

Why I'll remember what I'll remember

1869 Views 0 Comment
I want to talk about psychology, something that my co-blogger Matt would be better suited to talk to you about. In the field of psychology there is a theory known as the serial position effect. This effect was first introduced by Hermann Ebbinghaus, as he did the research on, oddly enough, himself. The serial position […]

Embracing my inner (and outer) nerd

1872 Views 0 Comment
I am a nerd.  A colossal, sci-fi-watching, magic-wand-waving, singing and dancing nerd. I’ve gotten to a point in my life that I’m totally OK with admitting this. It’s not really a big secret. I love to talk about the things that I love with my friends. I own clothing from my favorite shows and books […]

Don’t rain on my parade (just hire me!)

1824 Views 0 Comment
The word(s): don’t rain on my parade Even though I’ve got a few years before graduation, I sometimes like to poke around job search engines. Why so early? Whether I’m watching the news or standing in line at Wegman’s, I hear phrases like “in this economy” or “with the job market so bad,” or my favorite, “the […]

Final Advising Day leads me to reflect

1850 Views 0 Comment
One of the most inevitable aspects of college is that it will be challenging. Balancing the workload and time outside of class can be enough to knock you off your feet. Advising Day here at Gannon never fails to do the same. Each semester, Gannon sets aside one day right before registration opens where classes […]

Minor considerations after a major change

1900 Views 0 Comment
I’m halfway through my first semester as a psychology major and things are going really well. I’m getting all A’s and loving my classes, teachers and classmates. And at this point, most people are aware of my switch, so I’m no longer being asked, “Wait, aren’t you a biology major?” But that question’s been replaced […]