My Interesting Adventure into the World of Criminal Justice

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GU holds student events and activities throughout the year.. some during holidays, with themes and everything. One of these events that had the opportunity to participate in this past year was the Valentine’s Day Mystery event held by the members of the Alpha Phi Sigma Criminal Justice Honor Society (because nothing says Happy Valentine’s Day […]

A Introvert’s Midterm Report

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We’re past the midway point of the semester. While I enjoy my much needed week long vacation, I must reflect on the progress I have made so far this semester and look forward to where I will go in the second half of this semester. In my previous entries, I looked at my experiences doing […]

The Misadventures of an Introvert: Week Two

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This year, I have tried new things and put myself in new atmospheres.  From joining a fraternity on campus to performing stand-up comedy at the Knight Club, I have gotten involved in many new activities and clubs on campus. Before break, I auditioned for a play at the Schuster Theater. I decided to audition because […]

The Misadventures of an Introvert

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Now that I’ve reached the mid-point of my sophomore year of college, I look at how I have transitioned through becoming more involved with different organizations on campus. In addition to these clubs and activities, I have also tried to step out of my comfort zone through trying new things and making new friends on […]

My Experience at the Wellness Center

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Being a sophomore in college, I have had time to grasp the concept of college life and learn how to manage my time properly.  Once I learned how to do these two things, I wanted to better myself on a more physical level. Last year, I started going to the gym here on campus in […]

Students Learn Screenwriting from a Pro

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Being an undeclared freshman, I’ve had a lot of different classes this year that have focused on many different majors and areas of study.  These would include intro classes in philosophy, computer sciences, history, communications and theology. With all of these classes, there was one that was unlike the rest. The screenwriting course offered here […]

Best Apps of April

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Being a college student, I have to use my money wisely and when most needed. When looking for entertainment, I keep in mind how much to spend and try not to go over my limit. With apps for the smartphone, I am able to entertain myself in my free time and take breaks between long […]