We’re All Under the Same Moon: International Night 2018

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Saturday, April 7th marks Gannon University’s annual International Night, fashioning the theme “Under the Same Moon.” Coming up this weekend… International Night – Under The Same Moon MORE: https://t.co/B3XXSFKnV0 pic.twitter.com/6pBEGNsDsH — Edge (@GannonEdge) April 5, 2018 Just 238,900 miles away from Earth orbits this bright and round rocky mass. This natural satellite hovers above us, […]

Edge is a proud part of the #GannonFamily

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For the full article (and #GannonFamily videos), visit the June 2016 issue of Gannon Magazine:  “Over the years of asking students and other Gannon University community members what makes Gannon special, an expression is frequently used: “Gannon is a family.” As Gannon University alumni, students, faculty and staff sit around their family dinner tables they should always be reminded that they will also […]

Senior Moments: Gannon Family

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I was sitting in the good ol’ Edge office when I received the familiar *ding!* of an email in my inbox. I didn’t recognize the sender, but it was a Gannon email address, so it couldn’t be one of those spam bots. The message was from a student named Jessica Edmondson, who was working in […]