For the full article (and #GannonFamily videos), visit the June 2016 issue of Gannon Magazine

“Over the years of asking students and other Gannon University community members what makes Gannon special, an expression is frequently used: “Gannon is a family.”

As Gannon University alumni, students, faculty and staff sit around their family dinner tables they should always be reminded that they will also have their Gannon Family and homes in Erie, Pennsylvania and Ruskin, Florida forever.

The Gannon family dinner table is miles long, countries wide and is filled with family members of all ages, reflecting the strength and support of our extended family. In order to become closer with one another and understand what Gannon Family means, we invite you to learn the stories, dreams and faces of those who make our family special, and encourage you to share your story too.

While Gannon University and its community of people are constantly growing and ever changing, we all have one thing in common: We are all part of the Gannon Family.”


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To view each video and further explore the #GannonFamily, visit the latest issue of Gannon Magazine here!

BONUS: Share! Let us know on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram what the #GannonFamily means to you. Just use the hashtag!