Edge is a proud part of the #GannonFamily

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For the full article (and #GannonFamily videos), visit the June 2016 issue of Gannon Magazine:  “Over the years of asking students and other Gannon University community members what makes Gannon special, an expression is frequently used: “Gannon is a family.” As Gannon University alumni, students, faculty and staff sit around their family dinner tables they should always be reminded that they will also […]

Gannon University announces little free libraries picnics

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In keeping with Gannon’s mission of service, volunteerism, and civic engagement, the University is introducing Little Free Libraries to northwestern Pennsylvania. Each Little Free Library is designed to hold at least two dozen books. The books for Gannon’s Little Free Libraries generously have been donated by the University’s Nash Library. Little Free Libraries resemble oversized birdhouses and are a type […]

Little Free Libraries shape up

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Forget the bulldozers, cranes and steamrollers. Gannon University students are in the process of constructing libraries on a much smaller scale, while staying true to the mission of encouraging reading. Nash Library reference librarian Deborah West has brought a national movement called Little Free Libraries to Gannon’s campus in pursuit of her passion for providing […]