GIVE (365) Day(s)

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Doesn’t matter if it’s the scheduled day in the Fall Semester or pop-up days and events year round, Gannon’s Invitation to Volunteer Everywhere (GIVE Day)’s spirit remains the same. This week, Gannon’s physical therapy doctorate (DPT) students in Ruskin, Florida shared GIVE events on their Instagram page. Give Day Part 1: First year Gannon University […]

Top 5 Things Mérida Taught Me

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Never underestimate the power of a day. Sometimes the moments you originally deem as insignificant become the moments that you shape the rest of your life. When I was placed on the waitlist for Gannon’s Physician Assistant program in 2016, I was extremely disappointed. At that point, I thought that my dream of becoming a […]

6 Signs From Your Family That You Are An Adult

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During Thanksgiving, Christmas and now just ahead… Easter, I have noticed a shift in the way my family engages me. Could this change of attention have anything to do with being 20? Here, I have compiled a list of six signs from your family that you are an adult: Your grandmother keeps knitting baby hats. […]

Family Weekend 2016

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Fall in love with Gannon!  Take advantage of this opportunity to visit loved ones following the start of the school year. Families are invited to participate in events developed by the Activities Programming Board (APB) and are encouraged to uncover the many fall wonders Gannon has to offer to both parents and students. Friday, September 23 Check […]

Edge is a proud part of the #GannonFamily

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For the full article (and #GannonFamily videos), visit the June 2016 issue of Gannon Magazine:  “Over the years of asking students and other Gannon University community members what makes Gannon special, an expression is frequently used: “Gannon is a family.” As Gannon University alumni, students, faculty and staff sit around their family dinner tables they should always be reminded that they will also […]

Despite distance, brothers’ bond endures

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Leaving home for my freshman year was, and still is, one of the most emotionally trying things that I have gone through – telling my dog I would be back soon, promising old friends to stay in touch, my mother’s hysterical crying. Needless to say, the process was comparatively lackluster going into my sophomore year. […]

Chasing the sun (and a '90s band quote)

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There is a small overpass on Interstate 79 that I pass under every time I return to Gannon after a weekend at home. It is not located near any significant cities and is miles from an exit. It was probably made in the ‘80s or ‘90s. It has no structural irregularities and if you were […]

7 ways to conquer homesickness

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The first few weeks of college are always tough. Getting used to being away from home and living on campus can be difficult, especially if you’re not local to Erie. Here’s a few suggestions to help you get over homesickness and enjoy your time on campus. 1. Use Skype. Skype is a free video chat […]

RELAX! Tips on getting your mind off of school

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Having just finished finals here at Gannon, we asked some of our peers what they do to get their minds off of school and relax. Luis Pontillo, junior theatre and communication arts major: After spending my first year in college, I realized the chaos that is the life of a true student. Having lived within […]

Merry Christmas from Edge and Gannon University!

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Merry Christmas from all of us at Edge and Gannon University! Here’s a Christmas message from Fr. George Strohmeyer, Gannon’s vice president for mission & ministry. Tis the season! Check out other Edge posts about Christmas.