Memories Move Day 2022

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It was an amazing semester with smiles, new friends, and challenges. These are some memories of Move-In Day 2022, a day full of happiness, friendship, and dreams for the future – looking forward to a new year together! #GannonFamily

The Value of Positivity

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The era of negativity is innately over, and now we welcome positivity. It felt like this past year dragged on forever; at times it felt as though there was no light at the end of the tunnel. So, I’m going to share some simple tricks to help you be a little more positive! We all […]

J-School Cool: Living Wabi-Sabi

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Every job has its hazards – pastry chefs probably gain a few pounds here and there. Left-handed carpenters have to be really careful with power tools. And writers? Well, we live too much in our own heads. It’s just part of the job description, I suppose.

The Joe Show: Stay Busy, Stay Happy

1956 Views 0 Comment
I have been extremely busy lately. I have one sock left in my dresser, and am wondering how I’m going to find time to do laundry tonight. I have a music test tomorrow which may sound easy, but I have a feeling it’s going to be a challenge. I’m working on two pieces for you […]