Offbeat Christmas Gifts Part II

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It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas. No seriously. It’s that time of year, and you may still be searching for the perfect gift for those goofy friends in your life. So it’s time to take a trip down pop culture lane and find some gifts that are as oddly awesome as they are. […]

The Joe Show: The Wisdom of Santayana and Punxsutawney Phil

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“To be interested in the changing seasons is a happier state of mind than to be hopelessly in love with spring.” —George Santayana So far, in Erie, we’ve had a fairly light winter. The week before winter break ended, I was expecting to go snowboarding at Mount Pleasant (only about 30 minutes from Erie) a […]

The Joe Show: A New Decade

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I hope you had a wonderful Christmas; I certainly did! The holiday season is so full of hope and generosity. Christmas has passed, and tomorrow night we’ll be entering a new decade! I’m not sure if it’s the same for you, but for me, the past 10 years have come and gone like lightning.