The people you leave behind: Siblings and college

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Over the course of four years living away from home to go to school, you tend to grow up. You not only get older, but you have experiences that can’t be replicated as a high school student or while living at home. You mature, you gain a better understanding of the world around you and […]

Walk on: Thoughts from a graduating senior

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Back when I was in high school I took nightly walks around the neighborhood. I took the same pre-determined path almost every night – one that was very easy to remember and was just a little more than a mile. In my mind, the path was always broken down into three distinct parts. The first […]

The double life of a college student

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I’ve never really heard someone say, “Man, I’m sure glad break is over. It was just way too long.” To most people break always ends too soon, but I can honestly say that this time around I began to miss school. Sure, parts of school can be a pain – mainly the workload – but […]

Old friends, new friends, fun friends, blue friends

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With winter rolling in, I can feel that the semester is almost over, which is equally exciting and frightening. OK, it’s certainly more exciting. But on a serious note, I am faced with the reality that I will return home for Christmas break to all of my high school friends and acquaintances from what seems […]

Return to home initially “less than nostalgic”

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I’ve been home for awhile now. In that time, I’ve been working as a waitress, hanging out with friends from home and even took a trip to NYC – but a lot happened before any of that. As I was leaving campus, I said goodbye to classmates, packed up my room and about six boxes […]

Prep U for GU: Commuting to College

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Although many college students take the giant leap away from home to pursue their education, a lot of us also prefer to stay close to home. Gannon is just 20 miles away from my house. There are some obvious benefits to commuting — like saving on room and board. But there are some cons, too. […]

Prep U for GU: How to Combat Homesickness

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For many students, college means traveling, whether you’re home is across the county or across the country. Even students who are not typically prone to homesickness may find themselves longing for home occasionally. There are a few ways to keep this pesky feeling at bay.