4 steps to surviving the classic ‘all-nighter’

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If it hasn’t happened to you yet, just wait; avoidable by some and a bad idea for all, the all-nighter is a very real possibility for any prospective college students. What I attempt to do here is provide you with a helpful guide to making it through the non-fun version of this common late-night challenge. […]

Prep U for GU: The Truth About College Classes

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“Just wait until college!” “Professors won’t care if you show up or if you do your homework.” “You’ll spend all your nights staying up doing homework.” “You’re not ready for the real world yet.” These words, or ones very similar, have been spoken countless times by high school teachers. Whether intending to make a point […]

Prep U for GU: Tools to Succeed

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When you’re in college, you’ll be assigned all kinds of assignments. Expect papers, projects and research, and not just from classes. Extracurricular and honors activities will send things your way, too. But don’t worry, Gannon is here to help with all kinds of resources at your disposal. The biggest asset is undoubtedly the faculty, be […]