Interning Now Helps Your Job Prospects Later

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From college to the “real-world,” there is no telling where you will go, what you will achieve and how you will do it. A lot of students, however, don’t enter the real-world known as their preferred industry workplace. According to Pew Research, 44% of college graduates in the U.S. are currently working in jobs that […]

What I Learned From My Mock Interview

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One part of my future that I am incredibly nervous about is job interviews. I do not know what it is about them, but the thought that anything I say could result in me not getting a job is frightening. Since job interviews are something that scare me, I realized that I need to participate […]

Other Side: Résumés and Recommendations

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I made a promise to myself that once February rolled around I would seriously start the whole job hunting process. Well, February 1 came and went, and I found myself staring blankly at  an empty word document labeled “Résumé 2017” with a WikiHow article instructing me how to write a cover letter. I had no […]

Life in Motion: the stress of the job search

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It’s the reason we come to college. We graduate high school and pursue a degree in higher education because we believe it will help us get the job we want. The facade that college is just a giant party is just that — a facade. Surely, if you were a prospective student looking to party, […]

Quick tips for getting a job

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How are you going to stand out in a crowd of applicants when it comes time to start applying for jobs? Over the summer at my internship, I learned a lot of useful tips and suggestions to help make you stand out. When it comes to LinkedIn, be thorough. Reflect on what you really did, […]

Student Loans: Scary, But Worth Every Penny

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“Congratulations! Our records indicate that you will graduate in May or August of this year.” You can imagine how excited I was to read those words in a letter I received from Gannon two weeks ago.  Who wouldn’t be ecstatic to know that you’re on the right track and your life plans are falling into […]