All Miller No Filler: Life (and More College) After College

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So in keeping with the name of this cleverly titled blog which will hopefully actually be recurring enough during my last few weeks at Gannon to warrant the snappy title, I’m going to cut the chase. No filler, as it were. As a senior in my final semester, I’ve had to think a lot about […]

10 Ways Being a Comm Major Changes How You See Everything

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Being a Communications major means that you deal with media almost all the time. It also means you get to see behind the curtain like in the Wizard of Oz (or whatever movie analogy you prefer) and find out how everything works. It’s important and often really cool information but it also permanently affects how […]

Introducing the new School of Communication and the Arts

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Gannon University has announced the creation of the School of Communication and the Arts in the College of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences. The School will co-locate and integrate current and emerging programs in human communication studies, media studies, and the digital and performing arts. Hands-on, co-curricular programs will be joined in the building including […]

$1.8 million project sets new school in motion

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Gannon University recently approved the addition of the School of Communication and the Arts to its College of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences (CHESS). The approval comes after a multi-step process, which resulted in the creation of the school, the designation of a new building to house its components and the movement and revamping of […]

Gannon University offers workshops for young writers

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At Gannon University, writer’s colonies and workshops are as much a sign of summer as are lawn chairs and beach umbrellas. This summer tradition takes the form of two camps aimed at nurturing aspiring young writers. High school students interested in journalism careers can attend a one-week workshop July 8-12 taught by Frank Garland, director […]

Finding inspiration in New York City

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And the first word of the 2012-2013 academic year: luck. The last time you heard from me, I was desperately seeking summer employment in my hometown. To make a dull story short, I landed a job as a cashier at Staples and spent the next few months scanning carts full of back-to-school supplies. And while […]

Athletics and Academics Balanced in D-II

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During basketball season, I alternated working at the scorers table and behind the live feed camera. At the start of every game, everybody would stand for the national anthem. Turning to my right, I always noticed the same thing – a simple blue and white NCAA banner with the phrase “I chose Division II.”

Eternal Sunshine: Where Are You Going?

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Life can be scary, that’s an undeniable fact we all have to face sometimes. But the thing that makes that a little easier is realizing that that ‘scary’ feeling can sometimes push us in directions of progress and change.

J-School Cool: Living Wabi-Sabi

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Every job has its hazards – pastry chefs probably gain a few pounds here and there. Left-handed carpenters have to be really careful with power tools. And writers? Well, we live too much in our own heads. It’s just part of the job description, I suppose.