Writer’s Block: I Am Not Funny

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I am not a funny person. Well, I guess that depends on who you ask. Plenty of people laugh at (but not with) me. I’m sure if you asked my mom, she’d say I was funny. But as a general rule, I just don’t think I have what it takes to be the class clown. […]


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  Stand-up comedy looks simple enough when you watch it: you throw together a few jokes, you repeat them on stage, and people laugh.  Most people think that they’re funny, even genuinely comedic. However, once you try material out on an actual audience for the first time, you start to realize that you signed up for […]

RUNDOWN: Take Back the Night, Celebrate Gannon, Zumbathon

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Monday, April 13: Take Back the Night begins at 7:00 p.m. in Perry Square. Sponsored by Students Against Violence Everywhere, this event helps participants create posters, march through the streets of Erie and promote opportunities to speak out against sexual violence. Tuesday, April 14: Today is Celebrate Gannon! It’s GU’s annual conference that showcases work that […]

RUNDOWN: Puppies, CRS, #WellnessWednesday and Fish Fry

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Monday, March 23: It’s National Puppy Day! Give yourself some pet therapy and visit the pooches at the pet store in the mall. Tuesday, March 24: We take our meal swipes for granted. Donate your leftover meal swipes to the Catholic Relief Services’ Food Fast. The fast will be until 5 p.m. and guest speakers […]

RUNDOWN: Selfies, St. Patrick’s Day and Sign Language

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Monday, March 16: Today is No Selfies Day! Try to go a full day without sending any selfie Snapchats or posts on Instagram. It might be a challenge, but you can do it. Tuesday, March 17: Happy St. Patrick’s Day! Be sure to sport some green and be safe! Wednesday, March 18: It’s nearly impossible to […]

RUNDOWN: Broaden your perspective and give back

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Monday, Nov. 17: Today marks the beginning of International Education Week. Go “Around the World in 60 Seconds” at the Knight Club from 6-8 p.m. Meet new people, embrace other cultures and enjoy some refreshments! Tuesday, Nov. 18: In honor of Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week, stop by Yehl Alumni Room at 5 p.m. to participate in “Soup […]

RUNDOWN: Advising, karaoke and ‘Hairspray’

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Monday, Nov. 10: It’s World Kindness Week! Spread the love by doing one random act of kindness for a stranger! Tuesday, Nov. 11: Happy Advising Day! After meeting with your advisor, take some time to savor a day free from class. Wednesday, Nov. 12: As if you need another reason to eat pizza: today is Pizza With […]

RUNDOWN: Chocolate-covered pretzels and Halloween fun

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Monday, Oct. 27: It’s Cranky Coworkers Day! Spend some time commiserating with your fellow work friends. Bonus points: practice your best “Jim from the Office reaction face” with your coworkers. Tuesday, Oct. 28: Support the women’s soccer as they compete against Indiana University of PA from 4-6 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 29: The England T.R.A.V.E.L. Trip […]

RUNDOWN: Decorate a mug and dance through the ‘knight’

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Monday, Oct. 20: If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the clutter on your computer’s desktop – yes, I’m referencing those photos from 2009 – it’s time to get organized. Today is Clean Your Virtual Desktop Day! Tuesday, Oct. 21: The “sophomore slump” is real. Find out ways to combat it by attending an informational meeting held […]

Last week in photos

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With the hectic schedule of a college student, it’s easy to miss out on a lot of the activities going on around campus. Each week, Gannon provides fun and educational opportunities to its students, from open discussions on controversial topics to pep rallies for homecoming. The Organization of Women Leaders hosts a discussion on feminism […]