Losing wallet, but not my mind

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Everything seemed like a normal day. I woke up, packed my bag, and went to class. Everything was fine, until afterwards when I attempted to do one of the most mundane tasks of my week – laundry. It was then that I realized my wallet, therefore, both my ID cards, debit card and money was […]

GU Upperclassman Shops for Apartment Essentials

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I’ve slowly been starting to search for the items I need to bring to my apartment for next semester and it has definitely been a reality check. A lot of the things are the same as last year, such as bed sheets and clothing. However, since I will have an apartment, I am going to […]

Prep U for GU: Packing Essentials

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Packing for college can be hectic and stressful, especially if you’re as disorganized as I tend to be. I remember as I was packing my room went from a typical bedroom to something that closely resembled a disaster zone. Hopefully my advice can help you prevent that scene from occurring in your room.