Top Posts of 2011: Editors’ Picks

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Yesterday, we ran down a list of the ten most popular Edge posts of 2011. Now, it’s our editors’ turn. Check out each editor’s picks for the top posts (and runners-up) of 2011. Did your favorites make the list?

Athletic Determination Extends to the Classroom

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Pathetic fallacy, or attributing human emotion to inanimate objects and nature, often plays an important role in our favorite movies and novels. However, this is also seen throughout athletics, with angry, whirling weather directly correlating to our gruelling practices and mentally and physically exhausting games. Last year, my team and I experienced a practice none […]

Love of the Game is Greater Than Pain

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Edge welcomes our newest blogger, Megan Clumpus to the team. Megan, a junior biology/pre-med major, will be contributing to Edge’s sports blog, “Game On.” Through working in the athletic training room, and being an injured athlete myself, I’ve seen every type of athlete with every type of injury over the past two years: torn ACLs, […]