Finals Week, a Meme Thread

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Finals Week is approaching, meaning all chaos is about to set in. You totally forgot it was coming didn’t you. via GIPHY You procrastinate studying and just continue your latest binge watch on Netflix. via GIPHY But when you finally crack open your notes it’s like complete gibberish. via GIPHY You forget what days without […]

Scheduling College Courses – Meme by Meme

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Scheduling is a joyous time of year where college students can forget about old classes and focus on moving forward in their education. This blissful time reminds us how quickly times passes, but it also tends to bring to light how much we hate modern technology. There is always the debate of whether we want […]

Emotions of Graduating (as Told by Memes)

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Graduating from college is a big ol’ mixed bag of emotions. You’ve spent the last four (or maybe five or six or seven–no judging!) years at a place you now call home. Now that you’re finally prepping for departure and going off into the real world, you may feel an onslaught of bittersweet feelings. And […]