Looking back and moving forward

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Moving forward is good. In sports, you want to move the ball/puck/whatever forward. In dance, you almost always face the audience. Even in things like math, you start at one point in the equation and move onward. But sometimes, it’s good to take a minute to look back. I had that very opportunity over fall […]

Why I'll remember what I'll remember

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I want to talk about psychology, something that my co-blogger Matt would be better suited to talk to you about. In the field of psychology there is a theory known as the serial position effect. This effect was first introduced by Hermann Ebbinghaus, as he did the research on, oddly enough, himself. The serial position […]

Senior Preps for Future, Outlook is ‘Merry and Bright’

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Quick fact about me: I love making lists. What’s on my current to-do list? – Graduation cap and gown – Graduation announcements – Senior Thesis Research paper – Find a job How fulfilling it is to cross items off a list. The scary part of this is that the items on my list are all final […]

Sage Wisdom from a Graduating Gannon Senior

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Well it’s here…my last blog. I’ll be experiencing a lot of lasts this month since graduation is less than three weeks away. All those seniors out there (high school or not) know exactly what I’m talking about.

Student Voices: Men's Basketballers Remember Favorite Christmas Presents

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Everyone has a favorite holiday memory. This includes a favorite present under the tree. The men’s basketball team at Gannon is no different. The Golden Knights stopped to reminisce about their childhood. What was your favorite Christmas present as a child? Steve Piotrowicz, sophomore sports management and marketing major: “A Fischer Price basketball hoop, at […]

J-School Cool: Holiday Season Unleashes Childhood Joy

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One of the best things about growing up is that it somehow makes it even more fun to act like a kid. Just the other day, my roommate, who spends her summers as a camp counselor at Camp Stella Maris in Livonia, N.Y., led a group of our friends in a few rounds of campfire-style […]