Student fights killer deadlines

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The word: deadlines I lack adequate respect for deadlines, which is problematic for someone whose intended career revolves around them. See, I’m the girl who RSVPs around 9:30 p.m. the day the invitation requests; the girl who has to sprint into the theatre just as the movie starts; the girl who says, “I’ll be there […]

Fall Break, Homecoming and Greek Theatre(?)

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It’s hard to believe that it’s October! You can definitely tell that it’s fall, but it’s still nice enough to walk around between classes. As it is now the middle of the semester, most of my classes are getting ready for midterm exams. While I’m not too worried about any particular exam, I know that […]

The Numbers Guy: Crossing the State Line Was a Great Decision

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The Numbers: Insights from Accounting is sophomore Steve Jagodzinski’s new blog. Steve is an accounting major from Elmira, N.Y. Keep reading to see what Steve is up to, or e-mail him at Hello all, my name is Steve Jagodzinski; I am an accounting major from New York. Thanks for checking out my new blog! […]