What happened on the way to the forum with Rev. Shawn Clerkin

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Photo courtesy of Rick Klein If you’ve been around the Schuster Theatre, chances are you’ve come across Father Shawn Clerkin. Father Shawn, the Director of Theater for Gannon University, is one of the more colorful faculty members at the school. He’s currently directing the spring musical, A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the […]

‘Celebrate Gannon’ acknowledges academics

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Students and faculty united Tuesday for Gannon University’s “Celebrate Gannon,” an event that highlighted platform and poster presentations in areas of undergraduate research, undergraduate scholarship, graduate research, engagement and creativity. Research and scholarship presentations ranged across all majors, including psychology, criminal justice, English, chemistry, electrical engineering, physics, occupational therapy and physical therapy, according to Kathleen […]

Skinless women hitting the stage

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Fringe Fest Erie – inspired by the original Fringe Festival in Edinburgh, Scotland – has brought diverse, new and thought-provoking theatre to Erie for the past three years. This year is no different. Fringe Fest Erie 2014 kicks off with a two-woman show, “Women Without Skin.” Featuring senior theatre and communication arts major Natalie Pertz and […]

Bringing “Melancholy” to the Schuster Theatre

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Featured photo courtesy of Rick Klein. As defined by Webster’s dictionary, a farce is a comic, dramatic work using buffoonery and horseplay, and typically includes crude characterization and ludicrously improbable situations.  Sarah Ruhl’s “The Melancholy Play,” directed by Alaina Manchester, is no exception to this definition. “The Melancholy Play” opens with Tilly (played by Brianna […]

Theatre impacts the heart and mind

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By the time you all get to read this, another show at the Schuster Theatre, “The Children’s Hour,” will have come and gone. But its impact will linger on. Warning: Spoilers and thoughtful subject matter just ahead. “The Children’s Hour” takes place at a girl’s boarding school in the 1930s. When one of the girls […]

My summer in Connecticut, acting at "The O'Neill"

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This summer I had the opportunity to study at the Eugene O’Neill Theater Center – often referred to as “The O’Neill” – in Waterford, Conn. I was first introduced to the O’Neill through my acting mentor and academic advisor, Paula Barrett, when I expressed an interest in finding a substantial theatre program for the following […]

Lights, camera, work study for Natalie Pertz

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With this year just starting to get into a groove, students are diving into new jobs around campus.  One such student is Natalie Pertz, a junior theatre major and now one of four Schuster Theatre work studies. What is the benefit of working on campus? The benefit for having this job verses other off-campus jobs […]

Students Give Thanks for Support

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Since Thanksgiving is just days away, we thought it would be fun to find out for what students are thankful. Here’s what a few Gannon students had to say:   Emma Mancini sophomore, biology/pre-med major:I am thankful for my friends and family because they give me support no matter what happens.