A legend is born

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Hockey is a multi-faceted sport. I don’t just mean the differences between forwards, defensemen and goalies, etc. There are trainers for when a player is hurt, equipment managers who keep everyone’s gear functioning properly and entire media departments making sure viewers at home can see the game without issues. All sports are like this: baseball, […]

ROTC color guard presents at Penguins game

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Five young cadets waited with anticipation as lights flashed, fans screamed and music blared. It didn’t feel real. The intensity reached a fever pitch when the cadets – hearts beating, minds racing and adrenaline pumping – saw their cue to move forward. The American flag bearer gave the command, “Forward march!” And, as the lights […]

Summer Fundays Countdown: #10

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With only 10 weeks left before school starts, Edge is conducting a countdown. Every week, we’ll  suggest a place to spend a day in Erie to make the most of your summer free time, starting with suggestion #10 this week… Most of the time when someone thinks about a zoo, they most likely think about […]