Bad mood? Say a prayer and move on

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You ever have one of those days where absolutely nothing seems to go right? You try to the make the best of a situation, but everything you do either gets shut down or makes the situation worse. I recently had one of those days myself. It started out rather poorly and went downhill from there. […]

My finals week: Study, eat, tweet, pray, repeat

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Without a doubt the most stressful part of my semester was finals week. Turning in papers, taking exams and wrapping up any last-minute chance to solidify the grade you want is completely unnerving. Initially I thought this finals week was going to be easier than normal, since about half of my classes did not have […]

Little blessings inspire big growth in faith

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As I’ve grown in my faith, I’ve learned the importance of seeking out ways to maintain a consistent prayer life and search for opportunities to explore how God may be acting in my life. I ponder retreats I have attended, concerts I’ve gone to or speakers I’ve heard. While these big events are often essential […]

Fr. Shawn Clerkin: Praying for Understanding on 9/11

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I didn’t know anyone in the planes or in the towers. I didn’t lose a brother or sister, uncle or aunt, friend or acquaintance. But I knew that after this day, my life, the lives of all of us, would be forever changed. On campus, there was a pall, a dread that defied the sunny, […]