10 tips to simplify the college search process

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The college search process is often stressful for students entering their senior year. As an enrollment advisor in Gannon’s Office of Admissions, I’m here to share a few tips that can make the admissions experience relatively stress-free. 1. Start visiting colleges early. Visiting schools in person is the best way to get a sense for […]

A new perspective and GRE prep

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A new semester brings a new perspective on your studies, right? At least, it’s supposed to.  This time last year, I was getting ready to spend a semester abroad in Paris instead of returning to Gannon. This year, I’m not taking any major trips out of the country. Instead, I’m coming back to Gannon with […]

Making Med School A Possibility

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You would think at 22 years old, I would know how to describe myself. Yet, each time I look at my medical school applications with essay prompts asking about what characteristics make me a qualified candidate for medical school, I don’t know what to say. I’m a qualified candidate because I’m … responsible? Driven? Caring? […]

College Search 101: March Doesn’t Have to Mean Madness

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It’s the lucky month of March. It’s the time of year when the snow starts to melt and spring starts to peek its head out of the clouds. With St. Patrick’s Day just around the corner, it’s time to start thinking about the end of the school year. Well, you’re in luck because we’ve compiled […]

College Search 101: Focused in February

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There may still be snow on the ground but spring is just around the corner. With spring comes the looming end of the school year, though it is still just out of sight. While the last day of school may still be just a blip on the calendar radar, we’ve got a fresh list of […]

College Search 101: New Year, New Phase of the Journey

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Happy New Year! Can you believe it’s already 2011? Well, I hope you all enjoyed your new years celebrations and are ready to jump back into the second half of the school year. The spring semester always tends to speed by, so the first few days of the New Year present a perfect time to […]

10 Ways We Bet You Didn’t Know You Could Get a Gannon Scholarship

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It’s no secret that college can be a financial burden on students and their families, but many schools – Gannon included – hit the mark on sending much-needed aid to students. If you’ve already applied for scholarships outside of Gannon, don’t think you’ve exhausted all routes for finding extra cash for college. The college itself […]