Gannon University has announced two new graduate degree programs. Offered through the sport and exercise science department, the Master of Science in Sport and Exercise Science and Master of Athletic Training programs increase the number of graduate offerings at the university to 29, with additional programs expected in the coming months. Both new programs offer […]
In the fall of 2011, the sport and exercise science department and Exercise Science Club were charged with developing healthy recipes using ingredients traditionally found in the food banks and pantries within Gannon’s Erie-Gannon Alliances to Improve Neighborhood Sustainability (Erie-GAINS) outreach area. Through this experience, an identified lack of two common food products became apparent. […]
Brandon Wiley is a 2010 graduate of Gannon’s psychology program with minors in both sport and exercise science and theology. He currently works as a campus minister for Erie’s Cathedral Preparatory School and is a grad student in the masters program for community counseling. Check out how his studies in “body, mind and spirit” led […]
Good news, sports fans. Alex “Q” Bieler, senior journalism communications major and assistant sports editor for The Gannon Knight, is joining Edge as our sports blogger. We hope you’ll enjoy Q’s insight and sense of humor as much as we do. Sports obsession is a versatile creature. Around the globe, athletics enthusiasts take many forms. […]
The pressure of making new friends and adjusting to a roommate combined with the seemingly-endless freedom that college provides can tempt some students to push studying to the recesses of their minds… But not the successful students. The ones that are able to navigate the first few hectic weeks of college are the students that […]