Technology: Life Enhancing or Inhibiting? Probably Both.

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Evolution is a funny thing. It can change things rapidly – or so slowly – that you don’t even realize it. Technology is a lot like evolution. It can swing one of two ways, either it can rapidly progress or it can move at turtle speeds. Cellphones fall under the category of rapid. Over the […]

No Flash Drive? No Problem!

1436 Views 0 Comment
Are flash drives irrelevant? Word documents, power points and excel-type spreadsheets are being saved and even written online. In the past, students had to save their work on flash drives to print it later, but are flash drives still necessary in college? Many people choose to use flash drives to save their work, but I […]

Pre-Occupied: Dating in College

1601 Views 0 Comment
One of the best things about going to college is meeting all kinds of people. Sometimes, you meet someone and you think, “Hey, this person would make a really rad romantic partner!” Be warned that dating in college is a whole different ballpark, my friends. Since it’s officially spring, otherwise known as the season of […]

App makes the Elite Eight portable

1915 Views 0 Comment
The Elite Eight are coming to Gannon, and it’s sort of a big deal. The Division II NCAA event will be held at the Erie Insurance Arena, and our university is proud to be hosting the event. Take things back to last summer, however, and software engineering Professor Steve Frezza, Ph.D., was just getting started […]

The dreaded computer meltdown

2010 Views 0 Comment
You hear a lot of horror stories through the college grapevine: So-and-So got locked out of their room in their bath towel; there was an unplanned quiz in one of your classes, etc. Perhaps the most terrifying of all the stories you hear is the one about a computer crashing just hours before a 20-page […]


1729 Views 0 Comment
I consider myself rather tech-savvy. I’m pretty good at figuring out the basics and some shortcuts on a computer or tablet and I can fix a couple common errors on my laptop. I’m confident that I can manage anything with Windows that you put in front of me. On a good day, I’m decent on […]

A single atom transistor and how it affects you

1982 Views 0 Comment
OK, I am such a nerd. But what I’m going to talk about is some really, really cool stuff. It’s my duty to help keep you guys informed of all things technological — well, a little bit of it anyway. And yes, this affects you as much as it does me. Be warned: There is […]

The life-changing powers of spaghetti

2093 Views 0 Comment
Has spaghetti sauce ever changed your life? I’m not talking about going to your local fine Italian dining spot and having your cuisine motivate you enough to change your life. I’m not talking about immaculate pasta changing your destiny. Over Christmas break, a friend of mine sent me a link to a site called TED. […]

College: There’s an App for That

2453 Views 0 Comment
I love tech. There is no doubt about that. For me it is probably borderline obsession, but I have no problem with that. I have recently been thinking about how each new class of students who go to college bring new technology with them. The newest item of tech is the tablet. These range from […]

Software and Swivel Chairs

2228 Views 0 Comment
I spend a lot of time at my computer; I’ve come to accept that fact. For all people pursuing a software-engineering degree or any other computer related field, it is probably worthwhile to buy a nice desk chair. I, myself, need to go buy a new one since my old one is now in the […]