The double life of a college student

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I’ve never really heard someone say, “Man, I’m sure glad break is over. It was just way too long.” To most people break always ends too soon, but I can honestly say that this time around I began to miss school. Sure, parts of school can be a pain – mainly the workload – but […]

Old friends, new friends, fun friends, blue friends

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With winter rolling in, I can feel that the semester is almost over, which is equally exciting and frightening. OK, it’s certainly more exciting. But on a serious note, I am faced with the reality that I will return home for Christmas break to all of my high school friends and acquaintances from what seems […]

The great pumpkin (and my musings on fall)

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The change of seasons is so clearly evident, so ingrained in the psyche of human experience, we as a collective culture should never be surprised by it. We all know that it’s going to happen and we have all experienced it numerous times. Yet when it comes time for summer to disappear into the shifting […]

State of Mind: Commuting from Tennessee to Erie

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Introducing Edge’s newest blog, “State of Mind” by Conor Grey, class of 2014. Originally from Smyrna, Tennessee, Conor will be blogging about what it’s like to be attending college far from home. The beginning of the year is always an entertaining time for me. This entertainment is largely derived from the king of all icebreaker […]

What are your plans for spring break?

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The warm weather in Erie is making many students anxious for spring break, even though it is still three weeks away. Here’s what several students are planning to do with their time off: Samantha Heller, freshman chemistry/pre-pharmacy major: I’m spending my spring break working at my part-time job at Wegman’s – the greatest grocery store […]