A Guide to your College Road Trip

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Every once in a while the stars align and you and your friends have a free weekend and available spending money. This either means you’re going to buy excessive amounts of pizza and watch Netflix all weekend, or you’re going to take a trip somewhere. For those of you who choose the second option, we […]

Prep U for GU: Commuting to College

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Although many college students take the giant leap away from home to pursue their education, a lot of us also prefer to stay close to home. Gannon is just 20 miles away from my house. There are some obvious benefits to commuting — like saving on room and board. But there are some cons, too. […]

No Car on Campus? No Problem

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Right around this time of the year, there’s a fever that goes around. Got any ideas? No, it’s not Saturday Night Fever.  I don’t know about you, but cabin fever is striking me hard this winter. It’s that crazy, itching desire to get out of the apartment, go places, see friends, have some fun in […]