All Miller No Filler: Life (and More College) After College

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So in keeping with the name of this cleverly titled blog which will hopefully actually be recurring enough during my last few weeks at Gannon to warrant the snappy title, I’m going to cut the chase. No filler, as it were. As a senior in my final semester, I’ve had to think a lot about […]

#edgeREWIND: 5 things you didn’t know about English majors

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We all have an idea preconceived about English majors and how they spend their time, but how correct could those assumptions be? Here’s a few things that might just change your mind. English majors aren’t just writers. There’s this notion that possessing a degree in English means teaching or writing as a career. While those […]

Crafting My First Script

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As previous articles may have mentioned, Gannon Universtiy offered a screenwriting course this semester. A big part of the class has been learning how to create a full script. We’ve been working our way up to it, from a few sample scenes, to 6 full pages, to our final 30 page script at the end […]

Speed Writing: The art of starting (and finishing) that essay

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For many, writing an essay can be a difficult assignment. The blank page or white screen stares at you, mocking your lack of ambition to start writing. But it doesn’t have to be this way. You can write quickly and efficiently while still minimizing errors (and even giving yourself some time to edit). Here’s how […]

[REDACTED]: I Guess I’m a Writer Now

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I never considered myself to be a writer. For years, I would fruitlessly attempt to put down words to a page. I’m an actor at the Schuster Theatre – so words mean a lot to me – but I’ve always struggled to create from nothing. Writing is difficult for a number of reasons – clarity […]

Gannon University offers workshops for young writers

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At Gannon University, writer’s colonies and workshops are as much a sign of summer as are lawn chairs and beach umbrellas. This summer tradition takes the form of two camps aimed at nurturing aspiring young writers. High school students interested in journalism careers can attend a one-week workshop July 8-12 taught by Frank Garland, director […]

“Totem” literary magazine wins prize in national competition

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Gannon University’s Totem is the winner of the 2013 Program Directors’ Prize for Undergraduate Literary Magazines in the design category. The Association of Writers & Writing Programs will award a cash honorarium and recognize Totem in the Writer’s Chronicle and other media. The judge for design, Roger Lathbury of Orchises Press and George Mason University, chose this […]

Finding inspiration in New York City

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And the first word of the 2012-2013 academic year: luck. The last time you heard from me, I was desperately seeking summer employment in my hometown. To make a dull story short, I landed a job as a cashier at Staples and spent the next few months scanning carts full of back-to-school supplies. And while […]

My poolside scholarship search

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Summer is about half-way over for Gannon-Goers right about now and what do I have to show for it? I’ve made a little money waitressing at Luigi’s, I’ve made some good memories with my friends from home and I’ve been applying for as many scholarships as I can. I’m currently lounging by the pool on […]