We’re calling on Emilie Mitchell, senior nursing major, this week. Have you received a phone call from a Gannon student asking about your college search? Chances are it was Emilie or one of her fellow KnightCallers. They contact prospective and accepted students to answer all their questions about Gannon.
What do you enjoy about your job as a KnightCaller?
I like talking to prospective students. My favorite part is hearing their excitement about Gannon and the admissions process they’re going through.
Why would you recommend this job to other students?
It’s a very low-stress atmosphere. We’re a fun group and enjoy working together. For example, we occasionally have staff parties where we take a break from calling and eat pizza and dessert.
How does KnightCalling fit into your schedule?
The hours are very flexible and usually early evening. Even with a full-time course load and a part-time job as a nurse’s aid at St. Vincent’s Health Center, I find it easy to schedule in KnightCalling.
What’s your least favorite part of the job?
To be honest, I don’t really have one.
Enrollment advisors are also happy to answer your questions. Find yours here.