How to get a summer work study job

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Gannon University has a work-study program where students can have paying part-time jobs while focusing on their studies. While the jobs are only part-time, the assistant director at the financial aid office Chris Sukitsch said that “jobs are still jobs” and real world employers often contact work-study supervisors. Most students at Gannon University are eligible […]

Managing the best college station in the nation

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“Wait, we won what? Best College Station in the Nation? Shut up, I’m going to cry.” These eloquent words were said by yours truly when I received the phone call that 90.5 WERG won the best college station in the nation award. Being the general manager of WERG during this time has been completely insane. […]

Admissions Triple Threat: Why I love my job

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This is my third year at Edge, and I don’t think I could’ve asked for a better job to have during my time at Gannon. I get to blog, something I surprisingly love and probably never would have done myself. I also work with a great staff and I always enjoy coming into work. I […]

My angel in the night

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Nothing quite rivals the meaningless feeling that accompanies several part-time jobs. My first was at a grocery store in my home town, where I spent hours on end pressing buttons and filing sweaty money from agitated locals. College came to be like an angel in the night, and no longer would I have to settle […]

Check it out! Work studies at Nash Library

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Need a book for research? How about a new movie to watch? Nash Library is your go-to place for all academic and entertainment needs on campus. There are plenty of people to help you find whatever you might need. I interviewed work-study student Hyojin Choi, and I asked her some questions about her daily life […]

Lights, camera, work study for Natalie Pertz

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With this year just starting to get into a groove, students are diving into new jobs around campus.  One such student is Natalie Pertz, a junior theatre major and now one of four Schuster Theatre work studies. What is the benefit of working on campus? The benefit for having this job verses other off-campus jobs […]

M is for MyGannon

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MyGannon is the one stop shop for all Gannon students. Once logged in with your Gannon username and password, you have access to all the online amenities that Gannon offers. You can check your email, see upcoming events and even check how many meals you have left on your meal plan. While logged in to […]

Groundskeeping work study keeps Gannon green

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Andrew Hartle, a senior nursing major, gives us an inside look on what it’s like to work as part of the Gannon groundskeeping crew. What kinds of duties were you responsible for? We tended all of the outside property. That included mowing lawns, raking leaves, shoveling sidewalks and other random jobs around the campus – […]

Chem lab assistant puts reactions into action

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This week we take a look into the general chemistry lab with Jenna Matis, junior pre-med/chemistry major. What is a typical day like for you at your job? I prepare labs for the General Chemistry II classes and assist students with their labs. I typically make reagents, refills bottles and make sure all of the […]

Campus job supports social services

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Another week, another work study. This week’s spotlight shines on Allison Adkins, senior liberal studies major and her job in the Center for Social Concerns. Allison plans to enter the higher education workforce after graduation. What are some of your typical duties? I make Excel spreadsheets and update the volunteer database for the university. I […]