Valentine’s Day.

A day for love, laughter, little heart shaped chocolates, and elections. That’s right. This year on Gannon University’s campus Valentine’s day is a day to be celebrated by all students regardless of their relationship status.

The Student Government Association (SGA) will be hosting their presidential elections through EngageU this holiday season. In honor of this occasion, here are 3 reasons why SGA should be your valentine this year.

But before we move too fast… here is a little bit about the Student Government Association. The Student Government Association is a group of elected representatives who represent the full-time undergraduates of Gannon University by sitting on university committees, offering funding to clubs and students, hosting events and much, much more!

To give some perspective on how serious this organization takes their job, their mantra – or mission statement – is as follows, “We, the full-time undergraduate students of Gannon University, serving as the official voice and administrative unit, working to advance the student intellectually, to augment his/her education, to foster a spirit of friendship and companionship among members of the student body, faculty, and administration, and so to do better in the name of this institution of higher learning, do establish this Constitution for the Student Government Association of Gannon University.”

Pretty fancy, right?

What this really means is that the Student Government Association is really the voice of the Gannon student body. Now that we are officially on a first name basis… why should this organization be your valentine??

Evidence One: SGA is a great listener.

Everyone wants to be heard every now and then. By far the greatest attribute to the Student Government Association is its ability to listen to student concerns. The President is the go-to figurehead for these concerns. Whether it be through an EngageU message or dropping by the office at Beyer 201b for a quick chat, SGA is always open to listen.

Evidence Two: SGA loves to give.

Every year SGA provides funding for a plethora of student causes. Have a great idea for a program? Request funding for a Student Engagement Project.

Want to attend a killer academic conference or complete some mega-cool research for your major? Hit up SGA for a Student Academic Project.

Maybe your club is interested in organizing some really great program; club funding is for you.

On top of offering funding, SGA sponsors great leadership programs such as a conference to Florida known as Lead 365 and a trip to Hawaii known as LeadershipX. They offer an in-school scholarship program known as the Merit Scholarship to reward hardworking full-time undergraduate students each year. Regardless, of what type of need you have, SGA is always there to offer support.

Evidence Three: SGA will always be there for you.

Speaking of support, SGA is a wonderful cheerleader. Whether it be attending an athletic game or opening their social media up to organizations, SGA is willing to get your voice out there. They put on programs such as MidKnight Madness to feed hungry students during finals and offer new programs such as Hey Day to build a better community. If you want an organization to connect you to new and exciting opportunities, then SGA is for you!


Ultimately, SGA certainly a good candidate to spend this special day with! So seize this opportunity to send some love to an organization that really cares!


(Editor’s note/full disclosure: Kendra Walker is a candidate for Student Government Association leadership.)

BONUS: VOTE for SGA President and Chief of Staff on engageU here!