Governor's Awards to bring distinguished artists to Erie

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Erie’s no stranger to art festivals. Heck, the dust from Erie’s notorious Chalk Walk is still faintly visible on State Street, and strains of the Erie Art Museum’s Blues and Jazz Festival can still faintly be heard blowing through the wind. But the upcoming Pennsylvania Governor’s Awards for the Arts – with a week of […]

J-School Cool: Looking to the Future – An Editor’s Farewell

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It’s been a privilege and an honor to serve as Edge’s first editor-in-chief. I’m delighted to pass the torch to my colleague and friend, Nicole Dohoda – her creativity, passion and keen editing eye will help take this blog to the next level. You’ll still hear from me on occasion, but I’ll be devoting most […]

J-School Cool: “Back” in Shape After Health Center Visit

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Last night, I was all wrapped up in pounding out a research paper at my dining room table. When I stood up to get my late-night comfort food (chips and salsa, but of course), I felt a sharp pain – and it wasn’t the “boy, am I ready to be done with this paper” kind. […]

10 Ways to Embrace All Faiths at Gannon

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Gannon University strives to be a community where students can develop their faith and serve others. The university’s mission calls for a commitment to both the specific Roman Catholic tradition as well as the diversity of faith traditions present in students and faculty. Want to celebrate your faith at Gannon? Here’s 10 ways we celebrate […]

J-School Cool: Seeking a New Soundtrack

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I tend to organize my life by the albums I listen to – I think of it as assembling a soundtrack to my life 🙂 During the last few months of my senior year of high school, I was all about Andrew Bird’s “Armchair Apocrypha” – a totally mind-blowing indie rock album that sent me […]

J-School Cool: Holiday Season Unleashes Childhood Joy

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One of the best things about growing up is that it somehow makes it even more fun to act like a kid. Just the other day, my roommate, who spends her summers as a camp counselor at Camp Stella Maris in Livonia, N.Y., led a group of our friends in a few rounds of campfire-style […]

The Right Choice: Left on the Dial

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“Erie’s Rock Alternative” is a phrase synonymous with Gannon University thanks to 90.5 WERG, Gannon’s on-campus student-run radio station. WERG offers an alternative rock format to the Erie area, something that no other station in the region does. Moreover, it has been giving Gannon students a competitive edge when entering the media workforce since 1972. […]

Gannon Community Volunteers with ‘Extreme Makeover: Home Edition’

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Move that bus! Approximately 50 Gannon student athletes, coaches and cheerleaders helped renovate the home of Erie native Clara Ward for ABC’s “Extreme Makeover: Home Edition” June 26. The special two-hour episode is slated to air 8 p.m. Sunday. Ward, 70, of 650 E. 21st St., founded the former Youth Development Center, which works with […]

J-School Cool: Queen of the Kitchen Combats Stress

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Finals week is fast approaching, meaning my to do list grows while my time spent sleeping dwindles. Nevertheless, I try to make time to keep my wits about me (I am a columnist and blogger, after all) by spending time doing something I love: cooking. Perhaps the “Queen of the Kitchen” headline is misleading – […]