GU Speak: EngageU

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In the age of Facebook, Twitter and going green, students and staff alike prefer doing their work online; Gannon clubs and organizations are no exception. Students now have a way to manage their co-curriculars online – EngageU. On EngageU students can find clubs to join and request membership. Leaders of a club can track who […]

A Visit from Victor E. Knight

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‘Twas the night before Christmas, when all thro’ the ‘partment Not a pencil was stirring, not even a parchment; Laptops were logged on to Angel with care, In hopes that our grades soon would be there; My roommates were nestled all snug in their beds, While visions of A-plusses danc’d in their heads, With books […]

M is for MyGannon

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MyGannon is the one stop shop for all Gannon students. Once logged in with your Gannon username and password, you have access to all the online amenities that Gannon offers. You can check your email, see upcoming events and even check how many meals you have left on your meal plan. While logged in to […]

Gannon’s website revamped, refurbished and refined

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If you’ve had your eye on Gannon, you may have noticed something different recently. Gannon’s website has been completely updated. The new version, released last weekend, is geared more toward prospective students. With an all new design and updated content featuring actual GU students, it provides easy-to-find, eye-catching information on the university. But applicants aren’t […]

GU Speak: What is GUXpress?

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For college students, time management is very important. So it’s essential that they know where to find things when they are looking for them, especially information pertaining to school. One of the first places Gannon students look when they need information about books, classes or events is GUXpress. Along with the myGannon portal and Angel […]

Prep U for GU: Gannon Glossary

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Starting your college career is an exciting time — for many, it means living in a new place (or at least commuting to one), meeting new people and starting a whole new way of life. While this can be exciting, it can also be a little daunting with questions like: Where are my classes? Who […]