Starting your college career is an exciting time — for many, it means living in a new place (or at least commuting to one), meeting new people and starting a whole new way of life. While this can be exciting, it can also be a little daunting with questions like: Where are my classes? Who will I eat with in the cafeteria? How do I get to my residence hall? Edge Magazine has compiled a glossary of all things Gannon, which will help you get adjusted to life on campus.
“Meet me at Jesus:” Located in front of the Waldron Campus Center is the infamous Jesus bench, which is a statue and bench combination that depicts Jesus talking with two Gannon students. This is a popular place for students to meet up and hang out before going to class or just take a break from studying. It’s also a popular photo spot.
Advising Day: Known around campus as a Gannon holiday, Advising Day is a day free of classes, in which students meet with their academic advisors to discuss registering for classes and any other academic matters. It’s also a welcome break in the semester.
Studying in the Power Room: Located on the bottom level of the Waldron Campus Center, the study area, affectionately referred to as the Power Room, is a place where students can study, work on computers or hang out with friends. The study area features several tables and computer stations, two printers, a microwave, vending machines and three private study rooms. The room is open late on evenings, with extended hours during finals week.
GU Gold: Upon arriving on campus, all students have a Gannon ID card, which serves as a photo ID, as well as key swipe to get into your residence hall. Students are also offered a GU Gold account, which works like a debit card. Money can be deposited into the account to be used both on and off campus.
GUXpress/GU Portal: The GU portal is the website that both students and faculty use to access a variety of resources, including email, Gannon announcements, work study information, GU Gold balance, Angel (which serves as forum for teachers to post class information and assignments) and the GUXpress, a resource concerning financial aid information, grade point average, transcript information and much more.
MidKnight Pancake Breakfast: A finals week tradition, Gannon faculty and staff serve students a free breakfast in Beyer Cafeteria the Sunday night before finals week. It’s become a tradition for students to attend the breakfast and get served by the University President and other faculty and staff.