Scheduling College Courses – Meme by Meme

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Scheduling is a joyous time of year where college students can forget about old classes and focus on moving forward in their education. This blissful time reminds us how quickly times passes, but it also tends to bring to light how much we hate modern technology. There is always the debate of whether we want […]

Buzz About the Bee – Integration Bee with the Mathematics Department

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This advising day… students interested in free food, friendly competition – and calculus – have an event to look forward to this year on March 21, the Integration Bee. The integration bee is similar to a spelling be, but as opposed to spelling words, competitors will solve problems from integral calculus. For this reason, it […]

RUNDOWN: Advising, karaoke and ‘Hairspray’

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Monday, Nov. 10: It’s World Kindness Week! Spread the love by doing one random act of kindness for a stranger! Tuesday, Nov. 11: Happy Advising Day! After meeting with your advisor, take some time to savor a day free from class. Wednesday, Nov. 12: As if you need another reason to eat pizza: today is Pizza With […]

Scheduling: The struggle is real

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It’s cliché to start an article with a phrase like, “It’s that time of year again…” In this scenario, however, I’m afraid it is that time of year again. Now, this is nothing meant to detriment the scheduling process. I completely understand that there are certain priorities put in place to assure that everyone is […]

Final Advising Day leads me to reflect

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One of the most inevitable aspects of college is that it will be challenging. Balancing the workload and time outside of class can be enough to knock you off your feet. Advising Day here at Gannon never fails to do the same. Each semester, Gannon sets aside one day right before registration opens where classes […]

Prep U for GU: Gannon Glossary

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Starting your college career is an exciting time — for many, it means living in a new place (or at least commuting to one), meeting new people and starting a whole new way of life. While this can be exciting, it can also be a little daunting with questions like: Where are my classes? Who […]

Freshman Year… That Was Fast!

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A lot of new experiences come with being a freshman in college. Since we just had Advising Day last week, I’ve been looking back at what I’ve done in my first two semesters here at Gannon. It’s hard to believe I already picked classes for my sophomore year – I feel like I just came […]