It’s cliché to start an article with a phrase like, “It’s that time of year again…” In this scenario, however, I’m afraid it is that time of year again.
Now, this is nothing meant to detriment the scheduling process. I completely understand that there are certain priorities put in place to assure that everyone is catered to in the most convenient way possible. In all actuality, this has little relevance to Gannon; think of it more as a lantern in the fog to guide you through the unbridled terror that scheduling can feel like, as well as the conclusion that everything is going to be totally okay.
I suppose it’s easiest to start with first-year students. Your first schedule is built for you here at Gannon, so albeit not having a choice regarding 8:00 a.m. classes, this is a lovely feature designed to relieve some of the stress of transitioning from high school to college. Your second semester is when the fear really strikes. While scheduling may seem overwhelming at first, oftentimes the combinations of introduction courses and required classes are endless. You may panic when four of the five classes you shoot for fill up (as I did), but as long as you keep a few back-up options in mind, it should be far from a problem to schedule the second half of your first year here.
As you progress throughout each year of schooling here, you schedule earlier but have less wiggle room regarding what classes you are required to take. By the time your second half of junior year arrives, scheduling can be as stressful as ever, due to concern over classes you need filling up (although some professors will make an exception when contacted). Of course, Advising Day makes this all easier.
Advising Day happens once a semester and is a day without classes, during which you will meet with your advisor (a professor in your field of study) and look over the classes you plan on taking next semester. Meetings may run short if you are confident in your choices, or can run as long as you need them to. In order to better plan for your future, the advisors are there to answer any questions and guide you through the process, one step at a time.
In reality, the scheduling process can be fairly simple. Paper methods aside, you’ll need the Undergraduate Catalog that is applicable to the upcoming semester and provided for free around campus. After choosing the courses you’d like to take, you must check the “Registration” tab at GU Express in order to find your registration time. When that time comes (and often beforehand), you simply punch the course numbers into your computer, enroll and keep your fingers crossed that you’ll be permitted into each one.
As mentioned before, scheduling can feel entirely overwhelming, but it is not worth the anxiety that is already experienced by college students. There are several solutions to courses that are already filled, including back-up classes and contacting the professor. Should you need to discuss your proposed schedule or ask any questions regarding registration, your advisor (as well as the Registrars Office) is always there to help put you on the right path. That personal assistance is one of the best characteristics that separate Gannon from the rest of the pack. It is on that note that I leave you and wish you the best of luck in scheduling this week!