Ah, the Edge office – she is a merciless beast. Much like the sea, she giveth and taketh away (deadlines and content ideas, respectively).
Okay, so it’s really not bad at all, and I don’t know why I’m talking like a sea captain, but things can get stressful around here! Anytime one of us is having a tough week of classes, we turn to music in the office as a means of catharsis. This, however, can lend itself to another problem: clashing musical tastes. Luckily for me, as the season reaches its slow-burning end, I can look back on my work-study position and proudly claim that my musical tastes made me King of the Office this summer – mostly because, well, I was the only one working here.
Regardless, if you read my pieces and were wondering just what kind of songs I listened to while writing about movies and various BBQ’d meats, you’re in luck. Tune into this playlist, equal parts twinkly emo, hard-hitting alt-country and psychedelic jangle pop, for an exclusive glimpse into the sounds of the Edge office.